
企业价值观: 以客户为中心,以奋斗者为本,长期坚持艰苦奋斗


Corporate values: customer - centered, striver - oriented, long-term adhere to the hard struggle

用人理念: 尊重人才 用好人才


Employment philosophy: Respect talents and make good use of talents

管理理念: 规范管理 持续改进 追求卓越


Management philosophy:normative management,continuous improvement,pursuit of excellence

竞争理念: 力求寻找高于对手的差异化


Competitive philosophy: strive to find differentiation higher than rivals

核心理念:核心打造 技术领先 以人为本 诚信经营 以质取胜


Core concept: core technology leading people-oriented integrity management to win quality

开发理念: 以市场需求为导向


​​​Development philosophy: market demand-oriented

企业精神: 健康 希望 忠诚 快乐 互助生存


Enterprise spirit: healthy hope loyalty happy mutual aid

合作理念: 双赢来源于良好的品质和信誉


Cooperation philosophy: win-win results from good quality and credibility

品牌目标: 打造国内一流 全球知名的国际性卫浴品牌

Brand objective: To build a first-class international sanitary ware brand with global fame

About  Kafanle



      公司经营理念:诚信 敬业 专注 高效从卡梵勒进入中国的这10年来,经受住了中国卫浴市场的残酷考验,成功的累积了一套适合中国市场的营销模式,在中国庞大的客户群体中以营业额每年平均递增50%以上的速度飞速发展,由于中国经济的飞速发展,居民中的富有阶层不断扩大,市场前景广阔,未来更信心十足,深圳卡梵勒家居有限公司将带着 KAFANLE品牌迈向国际化,规范化、标准化的高速发展道路以让更多的生活高质量、高要求的成功人士真正享受健康、幸福的人生,享受高科技卫浴带来的高质量生活为目标将携手众多的战略合作伙伴一起,以资源分享、优势互补为契机实现共赢发展,加快步伐将低价格、高质量、高科技含量智慧化的卫浴产品和优质服务,推向中国的数亿居民和世界各地的客户,为全世界更多的家庭带来温馨、健康和美好享受。



         Kavinle was born in a small ceramic factory in Stuttgart, Germany.

        It was founded in Stuttgart in 1939 by Clemens, a German. With exquisite workmanship, unique design in the development of sanitary ware on the road to go further and further, has become the European and even the world's leading brand of sanitary ware products, is the undisputed market leader in the field of sanitary ware in Europe.

       In 2007, Kavanle entered China and established its first domestic production base in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province. In strict accordance with the manufacturing process requirements of the main factory in Germany and the international class product design, combined with the production advantages of China, we have created the cost-effective products in the system of Kavanle.

      In 2013, we established the operation center of Kavanle (China) in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Kavanle Household Co., LTD., to open up the vast Chinese market.

       The company's business philosophy: integrity, dedication, focus and efficiency in the past 10 years since entering China from Kavanle, it has withstood the brutal test of the Chinese sanitary ware market, and successfully accumulated a set of marketing mode suitable for the Chinese market. In the huge customer groups in China, the annual turnover increases by more than 50% at the speed of rapid development. Residents of the wealthy class is expanding, the market prospects are broad, more confident in the future, Shenzhen KAFANLE home Furnishing Co., Ltd. will take the Kafanle brand toward internationalization, standardization, standardization of the high-speed development of the road to let more high quality of life, high requirements of successful people really enjoy a healthy and happy life, With the goal of enjoying high quality life brought by high-tech sanitary ware, we will join hands with many strategic partners to realize win-win development by resource sharing and complementary advantages. We will accelerate our efforts to introduce low-cost, high-quality, high-tech and intelligent bathroom products and services to hundreds of millions of Chinese residents and customers around the world, bringing warmth, health and happiness to more families around the world.

关于  卡梵勒